The WHERE condition clause allows us to define a condition and filter the data.

If there are more conditions, we can use the logical operator AND, which expresses „and at the same time“. This means that the query returns those records that meet all the conditions.

SELECT column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE condition AND condition;



We have a table Customer with this data:

CustomerID Name Hair Salary
1 Alechandro brown 100
2 Katerina blonde 150
3 Lucie blonde 30
4 Thomas black 40
5 Theodor black 120
6 Thomassino black 99
7 Knor brown 50
8 Thor blonde 10
9 Lucie pink 70


FROM Customer
WHERE hair = 'blonde' AND salary>10;

Thor and Lucie meet these conditions. Both have blond hair and a salary of more than 10. Arnold has blond hair, but his salary is less than 10.

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