Selft join is a particular type of join. The difference is that the table pairs on itself. It is very often used, for example, to find an employee and his superior.

SELECT column_name
FROM table_name alias1, table_name alias2
WHERE condition;



We have table with this data:

Table Staff

1 Frank 3
2 Helena 3
3 Julia -
4 Thomas 2


In the Staff table, the StaffID expresses the employee identifier in general. However, some employees are also superiors. We see this superiority in the SupervisorId field. This means that Frank has a superior StaffId = 3. It is Julia. Helena has the same superior. Julia has no superior. She is a boss. Thomas has a superior, Helena.


SELECT t1. StaffID, t1. Staff_Name AS "Staff Name", t2. StaffID AS "Supervisor ID", t2. Staff_Name AS "Supervisor Name"
FROM Staff t1, Staff t2
WHERE t1. SupervisorId= t2. StaffID;


STAFFID Staff Name Supervisor ID Supervisor Name
4 Thomas 2 Helena
1 Frank 3 Julia
2 Helena 3 Julia

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